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Pipefy beoordelingen en productdetails

Wat is Pipefy?

Pipefy is een procesbeheersoftware die teams van alle groottes helpt om geautomatiseerde workflows te creëren en hun werk te stroomlijnen. Het laat frontlinemedewerkers zelfstandig aangepaste processen bouwen, hun eigen voorwaarden en bedrijfsregels toepassen om handmatige activiteiten te automatiseren, SLA's te beheren, samen te werken met belanghebbenden en te integreren met andere software om betere bedrijfsresultaten te garanderen.

Bedrijf Pipefy
Jaar van Oprichting 2015
Bedrijfsomvang werknemers 201-500
Hoofdkantoor San Francisco, Californië, Verenigde Staten
Social Media
Pipefy-categorieën ingeschakeld Findstack
$ 29.00 / maand
Crevio is een platform waar makers digitale producten, diensten, cursussen en toegang tot andere 3e-... kunnen verkopen. Meer informatie over Crevio
Stel vragen over Pipefy
Waar is Pipefy het beste voor?
Hoe verhoudt Pipefy zich tot Kissflow?
Wat zijn de voor- en nadelen van Pipefy?
Kleine bedrijven
Middelgrote markt
Deployment Cloud / SaaS / webgebaseerd, mobiel Android, mobiele iPad, mobiele iPhone
Klantenservice 24/7 (live vertegenwoordiger), chat, e-mail/helpdesk, veelgestelde vragen/forum, kennisbank, telefonische ondersteuning
Workshops Documentatie
Talen Engels
Analytics en rapportage
Beheer van bedrijfsregels
Case management
Cloudgebaseerde implementatie
Compliance management
Aanpasbare dashboards
Gegevens importeren / exporteren
Document Management
Interface slepen en neerzetten
Mobile Access
Meldingen en waarschuwingen
Implementatie op locatie
Proces in kaart brengen
Real-time Monitoring
Op rollen gebaseerde machtigingen
Taak beheer
Integraties van derden
Toegangscontroles voor gebruikers
Workflow Automation
Pipefy 0
Pipefy 1
Pipefy 2
Pipefy 3
Pipefy 4
Pipefy 5
Ons onderzoek is samengesteld uit diverse gezaghebbende bronnen en is bedoeld om algemeen advies te bieden. We kunnen niet garanderen dat onze suggesties voor elk gebruiksscenario het beste zullen werken. Houd dus rekening met uw unieke behoeften bij het kiezen van producten en diensten. Deel gerust uw feedback.
Laatst bijgewerkt op: januari 30, 2025
223 Pipefy Recensies
4.6 van 5
Onderneming (> 1000 werknemers)
20 mei 2021
Algemene beoordeling:
Maria Eduarda D. avatar
Maria Eduarda D.
Performance Chemicals Supply Chain stagiair
"Geweldige aanpassingsniveaus, maar hebben nog steeds een goed pad om te evolueren"
Wat vind jij het leukste aan Pipefy?

The levels of customization offered by Pipefy, allows us to build and revaluate our processes.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Pipefy?

I found the trainings not much structured, and still need some important funcionalities so that the level of customization become perfect, such as, a same field being able to participate in more than one phase, or the possibility of simple calculations fields, etc

Welke problemen lost Pipefy op en wat levert dat voor u op?

We are mainly solving problems of information storage, and organizing processes that were before governed by e-mails and excels sheets, which don´t provide us with the controls that Pipefy's workflow do.

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
Oktober 26, 2020
Algemene beoordeling:
Eric S.-avatar
Eric S.
Bijdragende fotograaf
Wat vind jij het leukste aan Pipefy?

What I enjoy about Pipefy are the integration and the ability to track SLAs for state projects. The details of individual SLAs will of course vary depending on the type of services a customer requires—and the metrics used to measure how well the customer and provider are meeting -- is very esstenial.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Pipefy?

I can't say that I have any dislikes about the product.

Welke problemen lost Pipefy op en wat levert dat voor u op?

The ability to communicate with key team members during product deployments is easily accomplished in Pipefy. The ability to save lots of time with the automation process.

Onderneming (> 1000 werknemers)
Juli 20, 2020
Algemene beoordeling:
Eduardo S.
Account Executive
"Dit is een ideale oplossing voor complexe taken zonder veel technische kennis"
Wat vind jij het leukste aan Pipefy?

This Software has many functions that I like very much, of which I can highlight the possibility of using reusable templates, they save me a lot of time because it allows me to take a template previously used to apply it again in another process, Pipefy automatically adapts to the knowledge that one It has to make the adaptation process much easier, without a doubt Pipefy is an application designed for those people who lack minimum knowledge, to allow us to integrate and enjoy this management tool.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Pipefy?

The integration process was a bit slow, it was necessary to reconfigure some servers and modify certain processes to adapt the software to our platform and our internal police, this process took more than 5 months during this time was supported by the support of the provider who I contribute very positively to the platform being available as soon as possible.

Welke problemen lost Pipefy op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Pipefy is a powerful management tool in addition to being very complete, it has personally allowed you to manage workflows much more easily, normally managing workflows on many other platforms can be a bit complex especially when you lack basic technical knowledge , that is why I like Pipefy, since it is possible to perform complex functions without having too much knowledge.

Onderneming (> 1000 werknemers)
Juli 09, 2020
Algemene beoordeling:
Cynthia W.-avatar
Cynthia W.
Systeem analist
"Het is zeer flexibel voor taakbeheer"
Wat vind jij het leukste aan Pipefy?

An incredible device to help with the individual association, venture the executives, and thoughts. I work with various points and that I can utilize Pipefy to mastermind every one of my undertakings. Simple to figure with yet expends more information, when performing on it I can not discover choices to alter just on the off chance that I even need to address something.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Pipefy?

A few highlights that I really like about pipefy, is that it's extremely instinctive and direct to utilize, being practically similar to other Kanban-style apparatuses and sites. It permitted me to follow my work, by making various sections that appear during which stage the jobs are.

Welke problemen lost Pipefy op en wat levert dat voor u op?

My general involvement in pipefy is incredible, and that I appreciate working with it since I can without much of a stretch track my work, record significant data about each undertaking, I can perceive what my associates are presently working and report everyday work reports to my director so he can see the errands that are simply lounging near.

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
Juni 30, 2020
Algemene beoordeling:
Gustavo S. avatar
Gustaaf S.
"Minha ervaring als parceiro Pipefy"
Wat vind jij het leukste aan Pipefy?

Como principal fator percebo a integração e apoio de toda equipe Pipefy assim como o suporte de educação, tecnologia e suporte ao cliente. que permite segurança no uso e apresentação para potenciais clientes.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Pipefy?

A princípio uma visão muito ampla de aplicações dificulta ter um foco mais específico de cliente e valor da solução aplicada. Este é um gap que percebo está sendo corrigido.

Welke problemen lost Pipefy op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Eu tenho aplicado nos processos de venda e atendimento ao cliente, bem como no controle de projetos internos. Os benefícios são todos relacionados à organização e maior agilidade.

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
Jan 21, 2020
Algemene beoordeling:
Giovanna B. avatar
Giovanna B.
Projectcoördinator Bim
"Beschikbare Pipefy"
Wat vind jij het leukste aan Pipefy?

Gosto de como consigo personalizar os campos e os processos que preciso controlar na minha Empresa Júnior.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Pipefy?

Ainda falta um pouco mais de suporte ao usuário (quando pedi ajuda, falaram para assistir aos vídeos - que eu já tinha assistido - e não buscou resolver o meu problema). Também tem alguns bugs que podem surgir de vez em quando, e ainda não entendi 100% com funciona a parte de Sprints no pipe.

Welke problemen lost Pipefy op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Padronizar processos, organizar dados, ter histórico dos projetos.

Middenmarkt (51-1000 medewerkers)
17 november 2019
Algemene beoordeling:
LiliAna M. avatar
Lili Ana M.
Senior Sales Marketing Executive
"Mijn mening over pipefy"
Wat vind jij het leukste aan Pipefy?

Lo que más me agrada de pipefy es su personalización ya que cuenta con varios tipos de organización de sus tableros dependiendo del proyectos en los que estemos trabajando su interfaz de usuario es bastante limpia, y estable sus precios también son competidores ya que son más económicos de otros software en su categoría su aplicación móvil es buena ya que está muy buen diseñada y nos ayuda a estar en comunicación ya que puedo ingresar información donde sea que me encuentre y alguien en nuestra oficina puede continuar con los procesos, sin llamarme o enviarme un correo electrónico.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Pipefy?

Para una empresa pequeña es difícil configurar automatizaciones, cargar bases de datos y cosas que necesitan algún tipo de "programación"

Welke problemen lost Pipefy op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Pipefy nos a ayudado mucho en la gestión de desarrollo de proyectos y. En la corrección de errores ahorrando nos dinero y tiempo en soluciones

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
Oktober 02, 2019
Algemene beoordeling:
Anna C.
Gecertificeerd taxateur van residentieel onroerend goed
Wat vind jij het leukste aan Pipefy?

I really like how this program keeps track with our work as well as it is really a time management helper. I love the cross functional innovation and just the customization side of it. Time management has been key as well as it allows creativity with the sole fact of able to customize it go their liking rather than everyone looking the same. My biggest role for it was for time management as well as making my job easier.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Pipefy?

I am not the biggest fan of the software development changes as well as the platform. It, at times, could become very confusing for me as a worker and I would have to reteach myself about the product due to software updates. I have been used to how everything runs so efficiently and then those changes make me have to go back and relearn. I love the cross functional innovation and just the customization side of it.

Welke problemen lost Pipefy op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Time management has been key as well as it allows creativity with the sole fact of able to customize it go their liking rather than everyone looking the same. I love the cross functional innovation and just the customization side of it. It was easy to used when it wasn't having a platform or software update.

Middenmarkt (51-1000 medewerkers)
Augustus 16, 2019
Algemene beoordeling:
George C.-avatar
George C.
Freelance schrijver
"Pipefy geeft je volledige controle over je werk en maakt meer impact."
Wat vind jij het leukste aan Pipefy?

It allows you streamline and automate any business process.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Pipefy?

It has a lot od competition and security is not very durable.

Welke problemen lost Pipefy op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Business process management, it helps visualise work in a way i have account of my work and more.

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
17 november 2017
Algemene beoordeling:
Tegen Paulo F.
Mede oprichter
"Geweldig procesplatform!"
Wat vind jij het leukste aan Pipefy?

Very intuitive platform! It has a simple and easy to use layout when building processes. You can build many pipes with different processes and connect each pipe through processes, which has helped a lot when a certain task has to go from one pipe to another (or one employee to another). Implementing wasn't as hard as I imagined it to be because pipefy had someone to help us out!

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Pipefy?

Since I already use Pipedrive for my sales team I've been able to substitute pipefy for pipedrive and save on the monthly payments. That's pretty much the only thing i dislike. If pipefy had more features similar to pipedrive I would definitely keep pipefy. Like any other platform it takes some time to learn how to build the processes you want.

Welke problemen lost Pipefy op en wat levert dat voor u op?

I've used pipefy to help on the my companies Customer Success process. It helps organize activities for my C.S. team and gives me a pretty good idea of how things are going.

Onderneming (> 1000 werknemers)
Algemene beoordeling:
Katylin M. avatar
Katylin M.
Coördenadora De Processos (Oficina)
"Atendimento e usabilidade pipefy"
Wat vind jij het leukste aan Pipefy?

A flexibilidade e a possibilidade de integração com diversos sistemas

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Pipefy?

A falta de algumas funcionalidades nativas e o custo.

Welke problemen lost Pipefy op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Processos, governança e organização de demandas e prioridades

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
Algemene beoordeling:
Arthur B.
"Zeer goed hulpmiddel"
Wat vind jij het leukste aan Pipefy?

Managing the our complex process flow for daily tasts

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Pipefy?

Maybe the lack of new features and no clear communication about future development

Welke problemen lost Pipefy op en wat levert dat voor u op?

We changed from Sharepoint to Pipefy and improved our work

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
Algemene beoordeling:
Komeet H.
"Is goed"
Wat vind jij het leukste aan Pipefy?

Pipedy helps us organize our experiment flow very well. Each order can be tracked from the very beginning (request submission) to the invoice that has been paid. The configuration design is excellent. We also like the history recording function so everyone can track who did what for the specific card.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Pipefy?

If one phase has more than 20 cards, previewing all the cards in that phase is hard. I have to keep scrolling down to go through what I have in that phase. The automation email is complicated. Sometimes our clients will reply the automation email, which is very hard to get notifications. Can not do online excel sheet filling.

Welke problemen lost Pipefy op en wat levert dat voor u op?

It helps us build up the order tracking system to keep track of every order's status. It also generates a simple report which saves us a lot of time to do it manually. This report helps us understand how we are doing and which part we need to improve. The database gathers all the information so we can export them in 1 second if needed.

Onderneming (> 1000 werknemers)
Juni 24, 2022
Algemene beoordeling:
Pedro P.
"Eenvoudig in gebruik, maar niet zo goed voor complexe processen"
Wat vind jij het leukste aan Pipefy?

For simple processes Pipefy BPM tool is very useful and simple. Its processes can be lifted fast and the UI is simple to follow through. It is very simple to engage with a wide range of other products, however seems like a prototype bpm tool for small/medium business. Their community interface and usage is also good.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Pipefy?

The tool doesn't seem robust enough in other to handle complex processes. It lacks information in their community, although it has a good interface. Complex queries remain even after reading and trying the product.

Welke problemen lost Pipefy op en wat levert dat voor u op?

It can easy setup prototypes for fast solutions, which can be pretty robust to serve small processes. It can provide forms and pipes in order to communicate with a wide range of people.

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
Februari 11, 2022
Algemene beoordeling:
Nelson D.-avatar
Tegen Nelson D.
Advies bedrijfsontwikkeling
"Goed, maar het kan beter!"
Wat vind jij het leukste aan Pipefy?

The helpful no code utilities it has to enable easy construction of process workflows

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Pipefy?

unfortunately lacks some error code formula, Eg. to trace similar PO numbers/Quotation no.s.

Welke problemen lost Pipefy op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Exploring Automations to interface with external stakeholders

Middenmarkt (51-1000 medewerkers)
Jan 31, 2018
Algemene beoordeling:
Rayshel W.
"Klaar de klus op tijd klaar hebben"
Wat vind jij het leukste aan Pipefy?

I see companies use pilefy and the accessibility to use pipefy and the convenience it offers seem to be a great tool to us.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Pipefy?

The templates are a bit generic, but it does offer convenience so it’s not too much of a dislike.

Welke problemen lost Pipefy op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Managing a business is tough, but pipefy offers a way to manage how a business is run, making it easier on the management team.

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
Jan 31, 2018
Algemene beoordeling:
Seth C.
Marketing Coordinator
"Deze tool verbetert de functies van andere software."
Wat vind jij het leukste aan Pipefy?

I like that it creates a workflow and it can be integrated with things like Slack or Salesforce. Salesforce is a really good tool but it can be hard to keep track of everything sometimes. With Pipefy, it makes things a little bit clearer. I also like that it has a relational database table that can be linked to cards.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Pipefy?

The desktop version works great, but the mobile app has a lot of issues. Also, The built-in reporting feature doesn't let you report on "connected" database records.

Welke problemen lost Pipefy op en wat levert dat voor u op?

It helps to keep us more organized as a team and we keep better track of our processes.

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
Oktober 29, 2017
Algemene beoordeling:
Paola G.
Account Manager
"Goede procesmanagementtool"
Wat vind jij het leukste aan Pipefy?

I find it's been very useful to: - collaborate with my colleagues - identify the bottlenecks in our process - set alarms to warn us when a client has been for too long on a stage

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Pipefy?

I think the UX is not great. For instance, modifying our pipe and the different stages is a real pain in the ass and it takes too long because the UX is not great. They should have more documentation on how to use Pipefy, I feel the one they have is very basic and doesn't help us use the tool at its maximum. I would also like them to integrate the possibility to send automatic mails to our clients each time that we move a client from one stage to another (like a gmail integration).

Welke problemen lost Pipefy op en wat levert dat voor u op?

We use Pipefy in My Account Managements team to have a follow up of the admistrative onboarding of our new clients.

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
Algemene beoordeling:
Pedro F.-avatar
Pedro F.
Sales Representative
'Niet zo goed voor de omzet'
Wat vind jij het leukste aan Pipefy?

Is easy to customize and use for different applications (CX, HR, etc)

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Pipefy?

The reports are terrible. Is really hard to understand what obligate u/the data to export to a spreadsheet

Welke problemen lost Pipefy op en wat levert dat voor u op?

To increase sales. We use pipefy to organize or sales process and organize the onboarding od new customers

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
13 mei 2021
Algemene beoordeling:
Gabriël R. avatar
Gabriel R.
Ondersteuning voor bedrijfsontwikkeling, marketing en communicatie
"Goed totaalsysteem in de steek gelaten door slecht deskundig advies en hulp"
Wat vind jij het leukste aan Pipefy?

Decent interface which is based on Jira. Good overall resources and templates. Very easy to use and manage.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Pipefy?

Poor expert advice and chat interaction. They tell you they will look and either tell you they can't fix the issue, or they keep you hanging for days over simple processes which do not work correctly.

Welke problemen lost Pipefy op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Managing customer enquiries and projects. Also good for customer and employee facing portals if all the elements work.