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Ingeniux-recensies en productdetails

Wat is Ingeniux?

Voor een flexibele webervaring is Ingeniux CMS een geweldige optie voor websites, portals, community's en intelligente levering van inhoud. Ingeniux CMS is gebouwd op een flexibele, mobile-first architectuur die helpt bij het beheren en leveren van content aan elk kanaal of apparaat, waardoor goed beheer en compliance van content wordt gegarandeerd. Tot op heden wordt Ingeniux CMS gebruikt door honderden bedrijven, organisaties, brancheverenigingen en instellingen voor hoger onderwijs en is het beschikbaar als gehoste service (SaaS) of als on-premise oplossing. 

Bedrijf Ingeniux Corporation
Jaar van Oprichting 1999
Bedrijfsomvang werknemers 51-200
Hoofdkantoor Seattle, WA, Verenigde Staten
Social Media
Ingeniux-categorieën aan Findstack
$ 29.00 / maand
Crevio is een platform waar makers digitale producten, diensten, cursussen en toegang tot andere 3e-... kunnen verkopen. Meer informatie over Crevio
Stel vragen over Ingeniux
Waar is Ingeniux het beste voor?
Hoe vergelijkt Ingeniux zich met HubSpot CMS-hub?
Wat zijn de voor- en nadelen van Ingeniux?
Kleine bedrijven
Middelgrote markt
Deployment Cloud/SaaS/webgebaseerd, desktop Mac, desktop Windows, lokale Linux, lokale Windows
Klantenservice 24/7 (live vertegenwoordiger), chat, e-mail/helpdesk, veelgestelde vragen/forum, kennisbank, telefonische ondersteuning
Workshops Documentatie
Talen Engels
Asset Management
Inhoud archiveren
Content personalisatie
Voorbeeld van inhoud
Aanpasbare sjablonen
Interface slepen en neerzetten
E-commerce integratie
Bouwer van de vorm
Inline Editing
Mobiel bewerken
Meertalige ondersteuning
Plug-ins en extensies
Reagerend Ontwerp
SEO Management
Integratie van sociale media
Tagging en categorisering
Gebruikersrollen en machtigingen
Workflow Management
Ingeniux Media
Ons onderzoek is samengesteld uit diverse gezaghebbende bronnen en is bedoeld om algemeen advies te bieden. We kunnen niet garanderen dat onze suggesties voor elk gebruiksscenario het beste zullen werken. Houd dus rekening met uw unieke behoeften bij het kiezen van producten en diensten. Deel gerust uw feedback.
Laatst gewijzigd: februari 05, 2025
87 Ingeniux Recensies
4.1 van 5
Onderneming (> 1000 werknemers)
Oktober 21, 2021
Algemene beoordeling:
Deaon K.
"Geweldig .Net CMS"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Ingeniux?

One of the best features is that it uses the .Net framework. As .Net developers, it's a trusted platform. The CMS is also quick. I've used several .Net CMS systems, and this is one of the best. The updates are typically easy to install. We can maintain high availability with the website and it's blazing fast for users.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Ingeniux?

We are currently running version 10. Version 11 will require us to redo portions of our code to allow for .Net core. Not sure when we will have the time to do the updates, but we want to take advantage of the new features in version 11.

Welke problemen lost Ingeniux op en wat levert dat voor u op?

We are able to have hundreds of CMS users creating content.

Middenmarkt (51-1000 medewerkers)
Oktober 20, 2021
Algemene beoordeling:
Tegen Christy J.
Associate Director, IT-programmamanagement
Wat vind je het leukst aan Ingeniux?

The team at Ingeniux is incredibly knowledgeable about their products and very helpful. They are quick to respond and always willing to jump on a call to help us!

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Ingeniux?

I honestly can't think of anything. I am extremely happy with Ingeniux's service & products.

Welke problemen lost Ingeniux op en wat levert dat voor u op?

We have worked with Ingeniux on many fronts: hosting, CMS and development services. Our biggest improvement was moving our web hosting from in-house to Ingeniux really put our minds at ease! We support over 20 websites and did not have the staff resources to manage the hosting aspects for our IT programs. Being a smaller organization, it can be challenging to have enough staff to cover all the various areas of expertise. They've really helped us shore up the gaps.

Middenmarkt (51-1000 medewerkers)
Oktober 18, 2021
Algemene beoordeling:
Carlos F.
"Deze software is eenvoudig te gebruiken en overtreft al onze eisen voor een solide CMS."
Wat vind je het leukst aan Ingeniux?

Stable platform and easy to customize. The support is very responsive if there is ever an issue. Our developers say the platform is easy to develop on.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Ingeniux?

Although the CMS works fine in responsive environmnet, it still can be difficult to use in mobile environment (small screens). This feedback has been shared with Ingeniux and they are working on making it better in future releases.

Welke problemen lost Ingeniux op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Offering a full digital experience to our members that is rendered on any device type. Simple to use, doesn't require a programmer to update the site. Fully customizable to meet our needs. The platform itself is very turn-key for new users and easy to learn.

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
September 15, 2021
Algemene beoordeling:
Rasji G.
"Ingeniux Content Management Platform om zakelijke dienstverlening te versnellen"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Ingeniux?

Ingeniux is a secure CMS tool to develop a business website and manage web pages dynamically. It Supports Multi-Lingual, We can use different languages with the standard of text format to sell business services online. Ingeniux is very easy to develop business pages and content for websites. It is key software for digital marketers with email newsletters, Content Marketing on social channels. We can check analytics in its dashboard and compare traffic from different sources. Ingeniux CMS supports SEO features to update meta tags and other SEO activities very quickly.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Ingeniux?

No issue faced with Ingeniux CMS Tool. It gives the best mobile experience to customers and easily modifies Web content for pages.

Welke problemen lost Ingeniux op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Ingeniux is the best platform to manage multiple websites for business in one login. It provides advanced features with a secure server to design and host a business website. Before using Ingeniux CMS, We faced lots of issues developing websites and managing SEO tasks. On another platform, we have to take training and develop our skills to develop a website. But in Ingeniux, We can easily develop a website without using an SQL server. It is the first choice of Developers to develop websites for mobile and desktop. We can easily integrate mails and create beautiful landing pages for advertisements.

Middenmarkt (51-1000 medewerkers)
13 mei 2020
Algemene beoordeling:
Christopher L.
"Ze groeien met je mee!"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Ingeniux?

Not provided

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Ingeniux?

Not provided

Welke problemen lost Ingeniux op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Not provided

Middenmarkt (51-1000 medewerkers)
Juni 06, 2019
Algemene beoordeling:
En M.
Directeur Webcommunicatie
"Goed afgerond CMS voor hoger onderwijssage"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Ingeniux?

Not provided

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Ingeniux?

Not provided

Welke problemen lost Ingeniux op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Not provided

Onderneming (> 1000 werknemers)
14 november 2018
Algemene beoordeling:
Michael S.
Hoofd webontwikkelaar
"Een ongelooflijk CMS, doet vrijwel alles waar je van kunt dromen"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Ingeniux?

Ingeniux is an amazing CMS. It handles all our 12 websites with ease, manages content well, and we love it. It sends out an XML feed to your views that you can manipulate any way you need.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Ingeniux?

There isn't much to dislike. You'll want to build it properly, and if done so right, you'll be able to get all you want our of Ingeniux.

Welke problemen lost Ingeniux op en wat levert dat voor u op?

We use Ingeniux for so many different applications, from email generation, to digital signage, and much more. It's saved us an amazing amount of time rather than having to build new backends.

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
13 november 2018
Algemene beoordeling:
Michelle D. avatar
Michelle D.
"Extreem veelzijdig"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Ingeniux?

I like that the designs that I create can be easily, and well maintained and supported by the people who own the site: editors, department heads, etc. It is easy to learn and quick to use.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Ingeniux?

There is nothing to dislike - granted the product offers features that I have not had a chance to use.

Welke problemen lost Ingeniux op en wat levert dat voor u op?

I design websites -- Ingeniux is a perfect partner for building these websites - and the site owner ends up with an exceptional product that they can maintain without the design degenerating through update and content cycles.

Middenmarkt (51-1000 medewerkers)
September 27, 2018
Algemene beoordeling:
Erik O.
"Beste CMS. Periode. (Als je wilt kunnen doen wat je wilt, hoe je maar wilt.)"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Ingeniux?

Ultimate flexibility. Ingeniux supplies a framework for collecting data of user-defined types and a schema for organizing it. From there, a competent developer can literally build anything. The interface is simple. The reliability is first rate.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Ingeniux?

The fact that some of our de-centralized users can't pronounce the name correctly. It's in-jean-yucks.

Welke problemen lost Ingeniux op en wat levert dat voor u op?

De-centralized content management. 300 users, 60,000+ pages, multiple domains and subsites all manage through one CMS instance.

Middenmarkt (51-1000 medewerkers)
Februari 28, 2018
Algemene beoordeling:
James S.
Directeur van webinitiatieven
"Beste CMS-ervaring met de kracht van .NET"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Ingeniux?

Ingeniux provides a full-featured CMS with modern user experiences. These features will satisfy content/marketing specialists as well as back-end developers. It provides the power of ASP.NET MVC on the backend and the flexibility to use modern JavaScript frameworks that also unlock incredibly flexible tools for authors working in the system.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Ingeniux?

While providing many tools to build whatever web solution you are looking for, it can be a bit of a challenge to begin develop with the system without any training. Though to an experience .NET developer or the proper training, it ends up being very enjoyable.

Welke problemen lost Ingeniux op en wat levert dat voor u op?

We run a website with approximately 5,000 pages that are authored by over 65 content contributors. The Ingeniux CMS provides the access control and management features to make this possibly as well as build an award-winning website.

Onderneming (> 1000 werknemers)
Februari 27, 2018
Algemene beoordeling:
Michael S.
Coördinator webmarketing
"Prachtig, krachtig en volledig uitgerust Content Management Systeem"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Ingeniux?

This CMS is powerful and widely cusomizable. From being able to make a schema for almost anything, there's enough flexibility to make a powerful website with rich content, all while being easy enough for our employees to use.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Ingeniux?

Honestly, nothing. The CMS is fantastic, the updates are relatively quick, and the support is fantastic at getting back to any problems or glitches one may encounter while using the CMS.

Welke problemen lost Ingeniux op en wat levert dat voor u op?

We're solving the problem of being able to easily manage content, while having the power and flexibility of the CMS to back us up.

Middenmarkt (51-1000 medewerkers)
Algemene beoordeling:
Aldo B.
Sr. Directeur Digitale Marketing
"Ruwe diamant, geweldig WCM-systeem"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Ingeniux?

The system is extremely flexible, from its architecture to how you manage content it allows from small to larger companies achieve great Digital Marketing. Very flexible, impress how it handles localization and that's why I am a returning customer.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Ingeniux?

The only thing I dislike is the support model, though It was because of the way we implemented the system. The 360 model can be efficient if you have an organized team that works with the vendor and includes them as part of your roadmap.

Welke problemen lost Ingeniux op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Our review incorporated the following, SaaS based delivery, digital asset management, workflows, localization management, template development and usage rights supporting group-level security and collaboration. In order for our company to scale globally, we need to incorporate a robust system that is a true web experience & content management system (content management - technical and visual, localization and digital asset management) that allows Marketing to support all digital programs without needing internal Ops support. This platform will allow us to move faster into regions which support demand generation programs and serve as the main vehicle that will connect with the underlying Marketing engine. Ingeniux CMS delivers a complete set of features for managing complex and performance-oriented websites which at the end allow less overhead on development and technical knowledge.

Middenmarkt (51-1000 medewerkers)
10 november 2015
Algemene beoordeling:
Robin R.
Directeur van online-inhoud en training
"Aanpasbare oplossingen, geweldige klantenservice"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Ingeniux?

Ingeniux Content Management System is one of the best because of its versatility, ease of use, and superior customer service. Because they are a small company, they can respond quickly. Additionally, our account manager has higher education expertise which enables him to understand our website needs as a University. Their rollout of our mobile site was especially expedient.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Ingeniux?

I don't have any issues with the CMS that are IGX-related.

Welke problemen lost Ingeniux op en wat levert dat voor u op?

A content management system is so integral to the day-to-day operations of maintaining on line presence in higher education. I personally manage nearly 100 people who have permissions to work on a specific portion of their website and without this CMS, my job would be 10x harder. Their classes for administrators are extremely helpful because their highly-capable instructors teach you how to master your own CMS.

Middenmarkt (51-1000 medewerkers)
10 november 2015
Algemene beoordeling:
Neil F.
"Ik ben al 7 jaar een tevreden Ingeniux-klant."
Wat vind je het leukst aan Ingeniux?

The CMS is flexible and powerful -- and functionality that I've dreamt up, Ingeniux has been able to deliver.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Ingeniux?

I would love a more robust wysiwyg editor .

Welke problemen lost Ingeniux op en wat levert dat voor u op?

As a higher Ed institution, we're always looking to set ourselves apart from our competitors, and the Ingeniux CMS has helped us to do that by offering robust content creation tools

Middenmarkt (51-1000 medewerkers)
06 november 2015
Algemene beoordeling:
Monica D.
Directeur, Informatietechnologie
"Geweldig product en diensten"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Ingeniux?

Ingeniux CMS empowers our users to have control over their web content. Very easy for our end users to use.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Ingeniux?

Should have a few advanced training classes for web developers.

Welke problemen lost Ingeniux op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Communicating with our members through our website content.

Middenmarkt (51-1000 medewerkers)
06 november 2015
Algemene beoordeling:
Corwin, T.
Wat vind je het leukst aan Ingeniux?

easy-fast redirects. And, their product support. Even though we are barely an enterprise level customer, it's nice to be driving one of the best enterprise level CMSs. As an admin, this is one of the easiest to keep up and maintain.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Ingeniux?

Not really IGX's fault, but every time there is a browser update, it can make some editing features not work. So, you can't really edit in just one browser all the time. You probably shouldn't limit yourself to just one browser anyway for editing.

Welke problemen lost Ingeniux op en wat levert dat voor u op?

We've only recently been conscious of tracking things like external links and IGX has helped us with that. Among the 31 systems colleges we are a part of, we're one of the few with an enrollment net increase over last year. We're also the only one with a fully-deployed and leveraged IGX system. Draw your own conclusion.

Onderneming (> 1000 werknemers)
Oktober 30, 2015
Algemene beoordeling:
Cyndi D.
"Het Ingeniux-team zijn geen tovenaars, maar hebben ons geholpen te doen wat onmogelijk leek!"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Ingeniux?

We have created and host approximately 170 sites, in 27 languages with Ingeniux. Because of the flexibility, and ease of use of the CMS, we've accomplished this with an extremely small internal team. In addition, the support we received during our build was exceptional. Maybe more importantly is the ongoing support from the Ingeniux team. They have truly been, and continue to be, an important partner for us, not just a vendor.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Ingeniux?

I don't really have any negatives to share. Even "bumps in the road" have been handled professionally and thoroughly. Any time I've raised any type of an issue, it has received the attention and resolution I would expect.

Welke problemen lost Ingeniux op en wat levert dat voor u op?

As an international company, we support sites for 100+ countries in many languages and needed a templatized, yet flexible option that allowed in-country marketers present marketing, product and service information in a way that best speaks to their local audience. The Ingeniux platform allows us to offer that. Additionally we support our corporate content, foundation and alliance units, with fully different needs. As we plan for 2016 and beyond, we will look to our partnership the Ingeniux team to make our sites more personalized to users' needs and interests.

Middenmarkt (51-1000 medewerkers)
Oktober 30, 2015
Algemene beoordeling:
Camille S. avatar
Camille S.
Senior directeur web- en digitale marketing
"Positieve ervaring"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Ingeniux?

Ingeniux offers a flexible, comprehensive approach to web content management.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Ingeniux?

We've not run into any major limitations.

Welke problemen lost Ingeniux op en wat levert dat voor u op?

We leverage Ingeniux as our global CMS for web sites in multiple languages. We utilize workflow to allow multiple contributors.

Middenmarkt (51-1000 medewerkers)
Oktober 29, 2015
Algemene beoordeling:
Margot W.
Web- en applicatiebeheerder
"De mensen van Ingeniux voelen zich onderdeel van mijn eigen team"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Ingeniux?

The Ingeniux user interface for content contributors is easy to use, and there's lots of flexibility for controlling permissions and access for users. On the developer side, I love the flexibility of the system. With a little know-how, it's very easy to take projects in-house, and the sky's the limit in terms of possibilities. In my four years working with Ingeniux, I have also been very happy with their customer service and support. They have a great support department and are always available to address issues that come up for us. Taking advantage of their many service/support options, we are able to run a large website with minimal staff and not worry about employing specialized skill sets. They employee a great team of people who are enjoyable to work with. They often feel like part of my team, rather than employees of a third-party vendor.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Ingeniux?

As with all long-standing installations of any system, our system is a bit finicky and often gives us trouble when we upgrade to the latest service releases or versions of the Ingeniux CMS. However, Ingeniux is very vigilant about helping us through these upgrading issues. We also could alleviate a lot of this hassle by switching over to their hosted service.

Welke problemen lost Ingeniux op en wat levert dat voor u op?

The Ingeniux CMS has provided us with a flexible platform that we have customized to appeal to multiple audiences. We are able to build new page types and components easily, to meet new and emerging needs. And we remain nimble in terms of fresh design and content, while running with a very small in-house web team.

Onderneming (> 1000 werknemers)
05 november 2021
Algemene beoordeling:
Matthew B.-avatar
Matthew B.
"Ingeniux: een krachtig contentmanagementsysteem"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Ingeniux?

Ingeniux provides thorough custom support for each installed instance of the CMS. Instead of trying to patch or add features to an 'out-of-the-box' CMS, Ingeniux is built for your specific needs in mind.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Ingeniux?

This is not a free CMS, so the price tag can be heavy for some. Integration with Cartella (Ingeniux's database/Intranet solution) is troublesome and awkward. However, support has been working with us closely.

Welke problemen lost Ingeniux op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Our college is one of four all united in a District. We needed to unify our brand and build a product that could support many different teams while sharing content globally across multiple websites. Each website has a staging environment, pulls from PeopleSoft for programs and majors, communicates with Socrates for real-time class updates and incorporates Cartella (an Ingeniux database), pulling in around 5,000 employees with their information and photos. We have had complex design, infrastructure and updates to our model and Ingeniux has served us well.