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Achtergrondvervaging van Builderall
Alles-in-één marketingplatform
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Builderall beoordelingen en productdetails

Overzicht Builderall
Wat is Builderall?

Builderall is een alles-in-één digitaal marketingplatform dat is ontworpen om bedrijven te helpen hun online aanwezigheid te creëren en te beheren. Het biedt een reeks tools, waaronder websitebouwers, e-mailmarketing, automatisering en meer, allemaal geïntegreerd in één enkel platform. Builderall heeft tot doel het proces van digitale marketing te vereenvoudigen en toegankelijk te maken voor bedrijven van elke omvang. Het is vooral populair onder kleine bedrijven en ondernemers die een alomvattende oplossing nodig hebben zonder dat er meerdere abonnementen nodig zijn.

Builderalle categorieën aan Findstack
$ 29.00 / maand
Crevio is een platform waar makers digitale producten, diensten, cursussen en toegang tot andere 3e-... kunnen verkopen. Meer informatie over Crevio
Stel vragen over Builderall
Waar is Builderall het beste voor?
Hoe verhoudt Builderall zich tot WordPress.met?
Wat zijn de voor- en nadelen van Builderall?
Kleine bedrijven
Deployment Cloud / SaaS / Webgebaseerd
Workshops Documentatie
Talen Engels
Alle functies van de bouwer
24/7 klantenondersteuning
Analytics en rapportage
Contact management
Aangepaste CSS- en HTML-bewerking
Aangepaste domeinondersteuning
Aanpasbare sjablonen
Editor voor slepen en neerzetten
E-commerce functionaliteit
Hulpmiddelen voor e-mailmarketing
Evenement management
Bouwer van de vorm
Hosting Services
Beeld- en videogalerijen
Ondersteuning via live chat
lidmaatschap sites
Mobiele optimalisatie
Meertalige ondersteuning
Publiceren met één klik
Online boekingstools
Reagerend Ontwerp
SEO Tools
Integratie van sociale media
Sjabloon selectie
App-integraties van derden
Website back-up
Ons onderzoek is samengesteld uit diverse gezaghebbende bronnen en is bedoeld om algemeen advies te bieden. We kunnen niet garanderen dat onze suggesties voor elk gebruiksscenario het beste zullen werken. Houd dus rekening met uw unieke behoeften bij het kiezen van producten en diensten. Deel gerust uw feedback.
Laatst gewijzigd: februari 06, 2025
22 Builderall Recensies
4.2 van 5
Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
Juni 14, 2023
Algemene beoordeling:
Patrick Y.
"Alles in één wonder!!"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Builderall?

There are several advantages to using Builderall. First, its all-in-one nature eliminates the need for multiple software subscriptions, saving time, effort, and costs. The user-friendly interface empowers individuals with limited technical skills to create professional-looking websites and marketing assets.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Builderall?

Some features of Builderall may require a learning curve, particularly for users unfamiliar with digital marketing tools. While Builderall offers various customization options, advanced customization may necessitate coding knowledge or additional integrations.

Welke problemen lost Builderall op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Builderall provides SEO optimization tools and analytics features, allowing you to track website performance, keyword rankings, and visitor behavior. These insights enable data-driven decision-making and help you optimize your online strategies.

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
Algemene beoordeling:
Arturo P.-avatar
Arthur P.
"De marketingoplossing is een van de complete mercado's"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Builderall?

La gran cantidad de herramientas que tiene para automatizar mis procesos de marketing, ventas y atencion al cliente en mi negocio

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Builderall?

La falta de una herramienta para manejar una cuenta de WhatsApp con varios agentes

Welke problemen lost Builderall op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Puedo construir los embudos de marketing automatizados de mi negocio y de mis clientes de una manera rápida y con todas las herramientas necesarias integradas entre si

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
Jan 01, 2022
Algemene beoordeling:
Manoharan R.-avatar
Manoharan R.
Management Consultant
"One-stop-shop voor al uw basismarketingtools"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Builderall?

I get to spend more time creating and less time figuring out how to build my business. Builderall is an all-in-one business platform and digital marketing system. Yes, that means it has everything you need to launch and run a successful business. From landing pages to email marketing, from e-commerce to video creation, from lead capture to conversion, from membership site to shopping cart, you can do it all in one place. If you have a business, you NEED builderall.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Builderall?

~ The knowledge base needs frequent update ~ Chatbot functionalities are limited ~ Builderall branding in calendar Booking and Webinar Apps ~ Quality of box packaging output in the Mockup studio

Welke problemen lost Builderall op en wat levert dat voor u op?

I get to spend more time creating and less time figuring out how to build my business. Builderall is an all-in-one business platform and digital marketing system. Yes, that means it has everything you need to launch and run a successful business. From landing pages to email marketing, from e-commerce to video creation, from lead capture to conversion, from membership site to shopping cart, you can do it all in one place. If you have a business, you NEED builderall.

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
Oktober 18, 2021
Algemene beoordeling:
Eduard A.
Onafhankelijke Marketeer
Wat vind je het leukst aan Builderall?

Mas de 45 herramientas de marketing digital, todo lo que un emprendedor o empresa necesita para triunfar en internet. tAmbien puedo comisionar mensualmente por compartir la herramienta

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Builderall?

hasta ahora me ha funcionado muy bien, tengo mas de 3 años de usarla

Welke problemen lost Builderall op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Para crear paginas web para mis clientes de una forma muy facil y muy profesional. Facil conexios a dominios y me da el hosting gratis.

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
September 01, 2021
Algemene beoordeling:
Oumarou S. avatar
Oumarou S.
"Builderall is een geweldige manier om wat geld te besparen op online marketing."
Wat vind je het leukst aan Builderall?

I started out with the $1 trial and was impressed by how easy it was to create a website. It has many built-in features that are easy to use, regardless of my technical abilities. I was able to build a professional website for myself or my business at an affordable cost, regardless of my limited budget. All it took was a few clicks! There are so many things to consider when it comes to building your online image so being able to complete an entire project without having to experiment or struggle is invaluable.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Builderall?

Nothing so far. I really love using this platform.

Welke problemen lost Builderall op en wat levert dat voor u op?

If you're searching for the latest and best software tools to get your business up and running online, we suggest considering Builderall. They offer a range of powerful and customizable tools that will help create everything you need. Basic package includes: Email Marketing Campaigns, SEO Tools, Website Templates, E-Commerce Solutions, Videos Profits, Social Media Tools and much more!

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
Augustus 21, 2021
Algemene beoordeling:
Tegen Gustavo G.
"Het grootste deel van het digitale marketingplatform."
Wat vind je het leukst aan Builderall?

Lo que mas me agrado de la plataforma builderall es que me dieron los primeros 30 dias por solo 1 dolar mas una prueba gratuita de 14 dias lo cual es genial, ese tiempo te sirve para poder acoplarte bien a la interfaz de la aplicacion y familiarizarte con ella.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Builderall?

Lo que no me gusto es que su base de conocimiento esta un poco desactualizada y eso no ayuda mucho debido a que ya hubo una actualizacion de la plataforma y la interfaz ya ha cambiado mucho.

Welke problemen lost Builderall op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Me ayudó a crear un sitio web e insertar un formulario para obtener una lista de emails y de esa forma poder crear campañas de marketing.

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
Algemene beoordeling:
Tegen Noel M.
Managing Director
"Fantastische sitebouwer"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Builderall?

Really enjoy using builderall for it's ease of use.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Builderall?

Nothing to complain about, no downsides to mention.

Welke problemen lost Builderall op en wat levert dat voor u op?

The ease of use drag and drop builder saves a ton of time.

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
Februari 28, 2021
Algemene beoordeling:
Eric B.
"Makkelijk te gebruiken."
Wat vind je het leukst aan Builderall?

The wide variety of tools that Builderall has is a benefit for the wallet.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Builderall?

Sometimes all of the offerings or apps can be overwhelming.

Welke problemen lost Builderall op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Easy to build websites.

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
September 24, 2020
Algemene beoordeling:
Miguel D. avatar
Tegen Miguel D.
"Het is zeer waarschijnlijk dat ik dit platform ga promoten, het is geweldig!"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Builderall?

That has more than 30 tools so you can use to improve your business!.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Builderall?

There's no much of variation of plans, there should be around 4 to 6 plans because the amount of tools.

Welke problemen lost Builderall op en wat levert dat voor u op?

That I didn't need to hire 10 platforms at the same time to have the tools that I needed, it has everything in one Platform.

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
September 30, 2019
Algemene beoordeling:
Luiz Henrique d. avatar
Luiz Henrique D.
Verkoop- en financieel directeur
"De beste digitale marketingtool die ik ooit heb gekend"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Builderall?

It is a tool that you can create your entire sales funnel, super complete. It has a site builder, email marketing platform, canvas creator, whatsapp flow, and many many other important resources to a digital marketer build his strategies and businesses.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Builderall?

Wheter it 's always being upgraded sometimes bugs appear and you have to keep your attention on its changes.

Welke problemen lost Builderall op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Before I had to purchase many different tools in differente platform tô provide every need of building funnels. Today I got every information in one place.

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
December 13, 2018
Algemene beoordeling:
Carolina C.
Wat vind je het leukst aan Builderall?

I like best is everything in one store. It's amazing

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Builderall?

I don't dislike anything. Still in training and don't see anything wrong with Builderall

Welke problemen lost Builderall op en wat levert dat voor u op?

it gives auto responder , training , how to market your brand, website, landing pages and ect

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
28 november 2023
Algemene beoordeling:
Rune E.-avatar
Rune E.
Strategische mediapositionering en klantenwerving bij Agency Deluxe.Com
"Builderall, een paginabuilder, en nog wat."
Wat vind je het leukst aan Builderall?

The price for admission with Builderall is good. They offer a great builder for the price. And the added autoresponder is what drew me in to join them. They have other tools as well, but those 2 are the highest in quality. The team behind it keeps on updating the platform and has a loving spirit

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Builderall?

The previous owner added a lot of functionality as in other tools. Great in a sense to have tons of value. Still, some of the tools were not as high in quality as the rest of the platform. This made me be a bit hesitant to share it with others. The fact that it was made, in one builder, which was changed out with another better builder as well, did something to the trust for me. In one way, great switch, a better builder in place! On the other end, the work I had done, needed to be redone. So, yeah, it was a bit bootstrapped at first and bare the markings. But, it has come a long way and is a LOT better than it used to be, even though it has always worked. It just is a much better tool now than it was

Welke problemen lost Builderall op en wat levert dat voor u op?

I build landing pages, agency pages, funnels, and more with Builderall. They have some advanced features that help with conversions as well, which I love. So as far as a page builder goes, they do the job of helping me portray a professional brand image to the people. With providing all the functionality one would expect from a page builder. And then some. I've used several builders, and for the price, it is a worthy contender for sure, and many others charge more for the functionality alone that is free with Builderall. I rate them highly and at the top as a page builder.

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
18 november 2020
Algemene beoordeling:
Marli E.
Web Designer
"Geweldig digitaal marketingplatform voor eigenaren van kleine bedrijven"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Builderall?

The ability to create (what feels like) endless landing pages / sales funnels for different products or campaigns I want to run. Their website builder is very easy to use - just drag and drop, and they offer premade funnels as well depending on your industry. I also really like their Email Marketing tool - I have already created many lists with email sequences, helping my business become more automated. You have the ability to create videos, e-courses, sell landing pages, chatboxes for different social media platforms, SMS and so much more. They have developed over 25 on-page tools that a small business can take advantage of.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Builderall?

Cost is ok, nothing too crazy especially for all the tools you get to use. Support can take a bit to come through but they have been getting better at responding quickly and providing you solutions for what you need.

Welke problemen lost Builderall op en wat levert dat voor u op?

So much of my marketing is taking place in one place which is what I like. I create my sales funnels, which easily connect to the email marketing tool which I can easily create email sequences on it. It makes the process much more seamless, instead of me having to use different platforms and integrations. Also, I cannot wait to create my elearning course within the same platform as well! Amongst just using the platform for myself, I have also gotten some of my own clients to join in and use the platform for their own businesses. Because you can do so much under one platform, it can help cut costs across the board.

Middenmarkt (51-1000 medewerkers)
Jan 07, 2022
Algemene beoordeling:
Mohammed e. avatar
Mohamed E.
Data mijner
Wat vind je het leukst aan Builderall?

The most helpful thing in this platform is that you can do anything for your marketing campaign you will find any tool you are searching for Great landing page templates Awesome email templates Ecommerce check out Booking calendar

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Builderall?

The most thing I don't like is that i think the platform is little bit overpriced Quizzes app is lagging Needs more improvement in the funnel builder Website builder need improvement in graphics

Welke problemen lost Builderall op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Saving my time and get more focused Depending only on one platform thats help me to centralize my efforts Makes me more productive with really handy tools Also running my affiliate program was so easy

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
Augustus 26, 2021
Algemene beoordeling:
Tshepho J. avatar
Tshefo J.
"De noodzaak die elk bedrijf nodig heeft om een ​​succesvol bedrijf op te bouwen"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Builderall?

Builderall is the best platform right now that any business should have, they have over 40 Marketing tools that can help build a successful business. `This means you can save as business when you can access every tool you need to build a business from one platform and it also makes your work easy and organised knowing that you can do everything from one platform . Check it out here:

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Builderall?

Their SMS Messaging requires you to buy credits which is something that you get on almost every sms marketing tool.

Welke problemen lost Builderall op en wat levert dat voor u op?

I dropped all my Marketing tools and now i have everything i need under one roof, one platform,.

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
02 mei 2023
Algemene beoordeling:
Dalton AraujoA.
"Boa ferramenta overwegen of preço, mas parece inacabada."
Wat vind je het leukst aan Builderall?

Preço pela quantidade de ferramentas que oferece comparada a outros produtos do mercado. Além disso, possuem um sistema de suporte ao usuário bom. Estão sempre disponíveis nos horários pré-estabelecidos. Podendo ser via chat ou e-mail.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Builderall?

Muitas ferramentas apesar de existirem não são tão bem acadabadas. Por exemplo oferecem ferramenta de webinario, mas ela possui limitações de compartilhamento de câmera, controle de acesso. O elaborador de site é possível de usar, mas é trabalhaso, não é simples e leve como do wix por exemplo. As ferramentas de automação são boas, mas também parecem ainda estarem em estágio de desenvolvimento.

Welke problemen lost Builderall op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Preço acessível para captação de e-mail e gerencialmente de lista. Contudo, o pior é que eles mudam a política sem prévio aviso claro. Exemplo, havia contratado o plano que seria para número infinito de cadastrados, da noite para o dia, de repente fui informado que minha conta baixou para 25 mil contatos apenas. E se quisesse mais contatos teria que pagar 600 reais por mês a mais. Sendo que pagava apenas 160 reais.

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
04 november 2021
Algemene beoordeling:
Christopher K.-avatar
Christopher K.
"Builderall is een geweldige marketingtool, maar heeft serieuze corrigerende aandacht nodig"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Builderall?

Well equiped with some 30 wonderful cutting edge tools all in one place, Builderall, stands tall as a very versatile marketing arsenal. Thus it removes the need for one to hop from one website to another for tools to do one job. Time saving! The feature which can allow a Virtual Assistant to have access and do your work is a very attractive initiative to me because I have a lot to do in my online marketing work and I sometimes use Virtual Assiatants from Fivver, which is a waste of time.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Builderall?

The affiliate program is not available to members at the CHEETAL Level costing $14.90 per month and the MARKETER Level costing $69.90 per month. It is only available to members at the PREMIUM level costing $79.90 per month and the FUNNEL CLUB level costing $199.00 first payment and $79.90 per month afterwards. I fail to see any business sense in one being denied an affiliate opportunity and yet he is contributing upto $69.90 per month when there are other similar software giving affiliate mebership to all, including the free-for-life members. The 14-day trial period is just too short for one to learn, use and and appreciate such a complex software, and then promote it to earn money for the subcriptions which cost up to $199. Clearly Builderall is not for beginners, including those who have no problem with money. With 30 tools to deal with, the learning curve is too challenging for a beginner who has never used such kind of software. The only way a beginner may use this software quicker is by cloning the funnels or websites of their upline, and if your upline is as blank as you, there is little or no progress to talk about. Thus to a beginner, I feel Builderall does not provide a scalable business solution.

Welke problemen lost Builderall op en wat levert dat voor u op?

I am a busy online marketer utilizing all sorts of tools every day to achieve one goal. So, I spend a lot of time on my laptop. Witht the multi-funtional Buildrall in my arsenal, I have plenty of time on my hands arising from working with multiple tools all in one place; my efficiency has improved by over 50%, and that is a conservative estimate. If builderall can hone the affiliate program and the trial period, very few, if any, similar software will stand up to the overal challenge.

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
September 17, 2022
Algemene beoordeling:
Kyle M.-avatar
Kyle M.
Bedrijfsstrategie en marketingadviseur
"Semi-fatsoenlijke functionaliteit, maar goede waarde voor de prijs"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Builderall?

I like how Builderall provides many different integrated apps in one place. Their support team is very responsive, helpful, and receptive to improvement suggestions. Their support team is the best part of the service honestly.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Builderall?

Builderall's many integrated apps have only basic functionality, and they have many design quirks, frustrating limitations of features, and very frequent major bugs.

Welke problemen lost Builderall op en wat levert dat voor u op?

I've helped set up a client's marketing system in Builderall, and I like how apps are integrated (on very limited basic levels) already. This saves my client significant money.

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
Juli 08, 2023
Algemene beoordeling:
Ga Win R. avatar
Ga winnen R.
"Het bedrijf is een dief"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Builderall?

There is nothing good about the software. When I purchased the lifetime deal, I was hoping that in the future, I would be able to use the mailingboss. At the time of purchase, the company offered a lifetime deal with unlimited subscribers, lists, emails, etc.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Builderall?

The company is a thief. They scammed me into buying the deal; however, when in the month of June 2023, I checked they have changed the limit from unlimited to 1k subscribers without even informing me. If you see anyone speaking good about the company remember they are most probably the affiliates who are are scamming you to buy this so that they can make a commission. STAY AWAY from these SCAMMERS

Welke problemen lost Builderall op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Trying to find a cheap alternative

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
Jan 02, 2019
Algemene beoordeling:
Geverifieerde beoordelaar
"Alles-in-één marketingtool "Builderall"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Builderall?

Firstly builderall has a very beginners freindly user interface everything is clear. Secondly we have the ability to make apps inside builderall and we can make it available for download. Lastly we have acsses to their high quality training which is free and the training helps you to get started with builderall

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Builderall?

One of the cons of builderall is that it is non-wordpress means we cant connect wordpress sites to builderall. Secondly if you want to promote builderall to earn commision for this you would need to purchase builderall business package which is $50 and i think it is bit overpriced

Welke problemen lost Builderall op en wat levert dat voor u op?

The benefit that builderall is giving me is that once you purchase builderall basic plan firstly you can make high converting sales funnel plus it also gives you full acsses to their email autoresponder which i donot need to spend extra money on using other email services