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Adobe Connect
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Adobe Connect-recensies en productdetails

Adobe Connect-overzicht
Wat is Adobe Connect?

Adobe Connect is een webconferentieplatform waarmee bedrijven online vergaderingen, webinars en trainingssessies kunnen houden. Het is een betrouwbare oplossing waarmee gebruikers presentaties en andere multimedia rechtstreeks vanaf uw desktop kunnen delen, waardoor honderden deelnemers rijke multimedia-ervaringen krijgen. Het is ontworpen om de leeromgeving van fysieke klaslokalen na te bootsen om een ​​meer boeiende en collaboratieve communicatie-ervaring te creëren. De oplossing biedt meeslepende virtuele ervaringen met handige storyboard-tools en ontwerpfuncties waarmee u al uw evenementen kunt plannen, hosten en volgen.
Adobe Connect is een webconferentieplatform waarmee bedrijven online vergaderingen, webinars en trainingssessies kunnen houden. Het is een betrouwbare oplossing waarmee gebruikers presentaties en andere multimedia rechtstreeks vanaf uw desktop kunnen delen, waardoor honderden deelnemers rijke multimedia-ervaringen krijgen. Het is ontworpen om de leeromgeving van fysieke klaslokalen na te bootsen om een ​​meer boeiende en collaboratieve communicatie-ervaring te creëren. De oplossing biedt meeslepende virtuele ervaringen met handige storyboard-tools en ontwerpfuncties waarmee u al uw evenementen kunt plannen, hosten en volgen.

Bedrijf adobe
Jaar van Oprichting 1982
Bedrijfsomvang 10,001 + werknemers
Hoofdkantoor San Jose, CA
Social Media
Adobe Connect-categorieën ingeschakeld Findstack
$ 29.00 / maand
Crevio is een platform waar makers digitale producten, diensten, cursussen en toegang tot andere 3e-... kunnen verkopen. Meer informatie over Crevio
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Wat zijn de voor- en nadelen van Adobe Connect?
Adobe Connect-productdetails
Kleine bedrijven
Middelgrote markt
Deployment Cloud/SaaS/webgebaseerd, desktop Mac, desktop Windows, mobiel Android, mobiele iPad, mobiele iPhone, Linux op locatie
Klantenservice 24/7 (live vertegenwoordiger), chat, e-mail/helpdesk, veelgestelde vragen/forum, kennisbank, telefonische ondersteuning
Workshops Documentatie
Talen Engels
Voor- en nadelen van Adobe Connect
  • Integreert eenvoudig met populaire CRM-software zoals Salesforce en Eloqua
  • Optie om unieke registratiepagina's te maken
  • Biedt uitgebreide sjabloonopties die kunnen worden aangepast voor virtuele omgevingen
  • Slechte opnamekwaliteit en audio- en videoproblemen, vooral bij gebruik op mobiel
  • Vereist uitgebreide ondersteuning om problemen op te lossen
Adobe Connect-functies
Analytics en rapportage
Geautomatiseerde meldingen
Cloud Storage
Aanpasbare branding
Aanpasbare gebruikersrollen
Bestanden delen
Integratie met LMS
Interactive Whiteboard
Live quizzen
Live Video Streaming
Mobile Access
Meertalige ondersteuning
On-demand webinars
Polling en enquêtes
Realtime samenwerking
Scherm delen
Beveiliging en privacy
Sessie Opname
Single sign-on (SSO)
user management
Virtuele achtergronden
Virtuele handopsteken
Adobe Connect-media
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Adobe Connect-screenshots
Ons onderzoek is samengesteld uit diverse gezaghebbende bronnen en is bedoeld om algemeen advies te bieden. We kunnen niet garanderen dat onze suggesties voor elk gebruiksscenario het beste zullen werken. Houd dus rekening met uw unieke behoeften bij het kiezen van producten en diensten. Deel gerust uw feedback.
Laatst bijgewerkt op: januari 22, 2025
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915 Adobe Connect Recensies
4.0 van 5
Onderneming (> 1000 werknemers)
Oktober 02, 2019
Algemene beoordeling:
TOWANDA S. avatar
Towanda S.
"Adobe Connect voor bijles"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Adobe Connect?

What I liked best about using Adobe Connect for tutoring was the functionality of the tool. I was able to customize my workspace with handouts, resources, PowerPoint presentations, and links for BSN and MSN learners. I also used it for 1:1 tutoring sessions using my personalized link. Other features included a whiteboard, chatting, raising hands, screen sharing, and video recording. In sum, the software has a lot to offer.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Adobe Connect?

What I disliked was that other learners could enter the room when I was meeting with a learner at a scheduled time. There was no way to lock the room to avoid interruptions.

Welke problemen lost Adobe Connect op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Adobe Connect was solving the problem of E-learning Tutors trying to meet remotely with nursing students who were enrolled in online courses from around the globe.

Onderneming (> 1000 werknemers)
September 27, 2019
Algemene beoordeling:
Lana N.
"Een perfecte manier om met een groep medewerkers te werken"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Adobe Connect?

What I like best about adobe connect is the user interface. It is easy to navigate and pretty self explanatory. The fact that you can share your screen with a classroom or even have a video conference with multiple users is a big plus for me. I highly recommend this product.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Adobe Connect?

The thing i dislike about this product is the fact that only the classroom lead can rearrange items. So if a chat box is in your way, you cannot move it else where to see what is underneath. And if something is playing in the background like music or a video, only the class lead can pause or unpause the video so that was a major dislike.

Welke problemen lost Adobe Connect op en wat levert dat voor u op?

The problems I am solving with adobe connect are just basic tech problems. There is a group chat option where you can ask other users how they troubleshooted this or that, so that's a big help.

Middenmarkt (51-1000 medewerkers)
September 26, 2019
Algemene beoordeling:
Gail D. avatar
Gail D.
Organisator van sociale gemeenschap
"Waar, geprobeerd en getest."
Wat vind je het leukst aan Adobe Connect?

Everything is clearcut. There isn't a lot of unnecessary chase you have to cut through, unlike it's possible counter parts.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Adobe Connect?

You are probably not forewarned, akways in advance some of the newest, better, better, and best alternatives other than Adode itself, if for some odd ball freak azoidan thing happens, that deems it to be or become defective.

Welke problemen lost Adobe Connect op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Coming to a common ground of putting and keeping valuable projects and assignments open and feasible in every facet imaginable, beyond anything measurable. You wiill and can become a master of some, but, not all, then won't be anything left for the vivid of all, imaginations.

Middenmarkt (51-1000 medewerkers)
September 22, 2019
Algemene beoordeling:
Marcel G. avatar
Marcel G.
Wetenschappelijk coördinator
"Dekt alles"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Adobe Connect?

Very easy to set up conference rooms, integrated set up for call-in participants, easy interface. Works brilliantly cross-platform. Build-in Q&A, Polling, chat, private chat functions, post-event analysis and recordings.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Adobe Connect?

The interface could do with an update. The visual style looks outdated and could be done in a more engaging way. Setting up the meeting room based on templates is easy - however, adjusting things to your liking can be a hassle and you might end up ending using the template without changes.

Welke problemen lost Adobe Connect op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Record meetings with potential partners and allowing people to participate during video conference even if their internet breaks down through call-in functions.

Onderneming (> 1000 werknemers)
Augustus 19, 2019
Algemene beoordeling:
Kristen K.
"Geweldig om te trainen"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Adobe Connect?

The ability to share screens, hear audio, communicate over a chat and from multiple locations

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Adobe Connect?

Connection issues cause frequent frustration among users and delay getting things done

Welke problemen lost Adobe Connect op en wat levert dat voor u op?

This gives us the ability to train up to 100 users with 1 trainer through 17 locations

Middenmarkt (51-1000 medewerkers)
Augustus 13, 2019
Algemene beoordeling:
William T.
Communicatie Supervisor
"Gemakkelijk te gebruiken, gemakkelijk te begrijpen, ideaal voor op de werkplek"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Adobe Connect?

We use this at work for high impact weather that enters our area or work. We are able to put several items within one page instead of having tabs, it's all laid out nicely. And it's very easy to navigate, since everything is on one page. We have a weather map dead center, along with a chat box, emergency contact box, weather damage box, video footage box, and a few others.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Adobe Connect?

There is nothing right now that i dislike about Adobe Connect, no complaints at all.

Welke problemen lost Adobe Connect op en wat levert dat voor u op?

It saves us from having to make extra phone calls, we can instead all sign into Adobe Connect and monitor it there.

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
Juli 26, 2019
Algemene beoordeling:
Griletsy R.-avatar
Griletsy R.
"Wat is Adobe Connect?"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Adobe Connect?

This platform allows us to have a great experience, since through it we can obtain the following benefits: video, audio, screen sharing, surveys, chat, questions and answers, exchange of documents and much more. Adobe Connect gives us complete control over the look and feel of virtual rooms. We can add functionality through resizable pods. Add a custom background image and customize the virtual room with layouts.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Adobe Connect?

It's a little tricky to get a free trial.

Welke problemen lost Adobe Connect op en wat levert dat voor u op?

this platform saves us a lot of money compared to face-to-face meetings. It is good enough to provide an experience that can replace most in-person meetings. We also conduct numerous training sessions with this platform, record them and make them available to our partners. This benefit is the most important, since it allows us to share our meetings with people who due to some problem could not connect on time, so it is a great benefit that allows us to maintain continuity to what we are doing in the meetings.

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
Juli 22, 2019
Algemene beoordeling:
Juan Pablo D.-avatar
Juan Pablo D.
"De meest professionele manier om online te vergaderen."
Wat vind je het leukst aan Adobe Connect?

Adobe Connect is a unique and really special software for the development of its pods, these pods of chats, audio, video and notes make it an unbeatable software. With these mentioned features we can have an excellent performance in the system of videoconferences and video calls, which we can improve with Adobe Connect because it has a package of tools for online meetings very competent and that will allow you to achieve the results you want. You can create online meeting rooms where you can add the people you need to be at the meeting or you can create a password for people to log in and access the web meeting rooms. In addition, this software has very valuable tools such as recording videoconferences, mute any member of the videoconference or video call, administrator options to regulate and control videoconferences, in short, Adobe Connect is a software of extraordinary performance.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Adobe Connect?

Of this software I could mention as the most prevalent feature of its high and modern technology, which makes the software more intuitive and useful for workers, in addition to projecting my corporate image, thanks to its tools that allow me to conduct online meetings with our customers are able to communicate very well with them. This software is flawless, and I feel fortunate to have Adobe Connect in my work.

Welke problemen lost Adobe Connect op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Adobe Connect is an invaluable software for as it is an excellent support tool to expose in online meetings my ideas to improve the performance of our company. With Adobe Connect I have not experienced any more limitations for non-attendance in our meetings, and I have no complications for people who are not in the same physical space that I am. Simply by accessing your Adobe session you can enter a meeting with Adobe Connect. Without a doubt, it is a software that has given me many benefits to communicate with our co-workers and clients, increasing my productivity and improving the time and execution of my meetings.

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
Juli 17, 2019
Algemene beoordeling:
Sarah G. avatar
Sarah G.
Teamleider bedrijfsontwikkeling
"De beste software voor algemene presentaties."
Wat vind je het leukst aan Adobe Connect?

I can make presentations, learning modules, web conferencing and online training materials for my clients.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Adobe Connect?

It is a bit difficult to learn its features. New users, take longer to navigate through.

Welke problemen lost Adobe Connect op en wat levert dat voor u op?

I am able to make presentations and video conferencing for my clients.

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
Juli 02, 2019
Algemene beoordeling:
Victor M.
Assistent rekenplichtige
"Presentaties en online vergaderingen gemakkelijk gemaakt"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Adobe Connect?

Online Meeting, webinar and presentation are very common processes when it comes to running a business and this where Adobe Connect wins. It's easy to use, affordable, and all it's features are amazing not forgetting that the video and sound quality is top notch

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Adobe Connect?

For the two years that I have used Adobe Connect, am yet to discover serious issues

Welke problemen lost Adobe Connect op en wat levert dat voor u op?

We use Adobe Connect for video conferencing and presentations. It's a great business meeting solution

Middenmarkt (51-1000 medewerkers)
Juni 12, 2019
Algemene beoordeling:
Demberly C.-avatar
Demberley C.
Analista De Nóminas
"Software die zich gemakkelijk aanpast aan bedrijfsomgevingen"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Adobe Connect?

Since you log in to Adobe and log in to Adobe Connect, you immediately notice that this software was designed for high corporate profiles; its presentation and all the options it has make it one of the most elegant and impeccable software on the market today. I have used this software a lot in my work since most of the work meetings are done in video calling and videoconferencing rooms, and Adobe Connect offers me options as useful as the rooms, which I can manage by controlling all the functions it has, ie, I can make the room private or public, I can add security features to our video conferencing or video calling room, such as passwords to enter the room, privileges to enter or expel any user. This software also has some interesting options that I use according to the needs of the meetings such as mute the users you want, the chat software is very good, I can record videoconferences or video calls. In general, this software is the preferred of our company and is the one we always use to communicate when we are limited by distance.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Adobe Connect?

To handle this software to perfection is necessary to have certain computer knowledge, since when you use it for the first time it becomes a little complex. I recommend to people who are going to use it for the first time to review tutorials of use.

Welke problemen lost Adobe Connect op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Adobe Connect has made my career take off from being a regular worker to being part of important administrative projects at the institution where I serve. Adobe Connect prioritizes work communication through video calls and videoconferences, strengthening empathy between the different members of a company and the final product of their work. It is for this reason that Adobe Connect has made me a very good worker.

Middenmarkt (51-1000 medewerkers)
Juni 03, 2019
Algemene beoordeling:
Leiry Laura S. avatar
Leiry Laura S.
Analist van het Programma
"Innovatie, hoogwaardige technologie en uitstekende audiovisuele kwaliteit."
Wat vind je het leukst aan Adobe Connect?

Adobe Connect has many qualities that I have taken advantage of to successfully complete my workday. For our company it is very valuable to have a software like Adobe Connect because we constantly use the system of video calls and videoconferences to conduct our meetings at a distance. Adobe Connect offers me very versatile features and tailored to my needs such as videoconferencing rooms, which I can configure from the administrator mode and thus control the people who enter the videoconference, this provides a lot of security our online meetings, prioritizing the protection of information discussed in these videoconferences. We also use the video call option offered by Adobe Connect when we have to make meetings with fewer members, and we combine video calls with the use of chat offered by Adobe Connect, which is one of the best I could use since you can write texts, add documents and photographs. This software is well seen by my colleagues at work and by the bosses of our company, who use it very regularly.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Adobe Connect?

This software has certain complexity at the moment of using it, however, after overcoming this limitation, it becomes very easy to use, allowing the worker to achieve the objectives set prior to the use of this software. Adobe Connect has so many benefits and sophisticated tools, that makes it one of the most complete software I have used to make video calls and videoconferences.

Welke problemen lost Adobe Connect op en wat levert dat voor u op?

I can assure you that this software has contributed a lot to my development at work. Thanks to Adobe Connect we have greatly improved communication between my co-workers, supervisors, managers and directors. Using this software has been a great privilege for me, and I have benefited greatly from each of its tools and functions.

Middenmarkt (51-1000 medewerkers)
23 mei 2019
Algemene beoordeling:
Jayson A. avatar
Jayson A.
Digitale ontwikkelaar/ontwerper
"ideaal voor lezingen of groepsbijeenkomsten."
Wat vind je het leukst aan Adobe Connect?

great format for online meetings and that you are able to click on the hyperlinks on power points/pdfs if on displayed screen. It also allows users to share their monitor even if not host to demonstrate and show things in the call. I love the fact that you can use your phone too, there are plenty of times when I did a meeting on my phone in a cafe.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Adobe Connect?

I can't control the format of the screen if i am not a host. Also the poll can also only be moved by the host. there are times when i disconnect randomly. lastly when disconnecting it seems that you need to make a new name because the last name is still being used even though it disconnected.

Welke problemen lost Adobe Connect op en wat levert dat voor u op?

It allows the team to do online meetings with a group of people with ease. It also helps doing online courses more conveniently by giving us a platform to learn from anywhere in the world.

Middenmarkt (51-1000 medewerkers)
22 mei 2019
Algemene beoordeling:
Fernando Antonio R.-avatar
Fernando AntonioR.
Het beste efficiënte beheer met succesvolle tools
"Creatieve en veilige tool om online grote en complete algemene presentaties te maken"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Adobe Connect?

Abobe Connect I like it because it has helped me to quickly expedite the organization for complete videoconferences and webinars online without setbacks achieving access from the comfort of a computer or mobile device, its functions are easy to use providing actions in its functions of fast answers to obtain positive results in audio, video and excellent interactive presentations with the other participants

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Adobe Connect?

On the contrary, I have obtained immediate response capacity when some problem occurs thanks to the technical support it offers and I have found it to be a very successful way of organizing videoconferences with full and productive participation dynamics

Welke problemen lost Adobe Connect op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Adobe Connect has been a powerful tool to help increase overall productivity in all aspects thanks to online administration for all general online presentations that provide an effective and positive improvement of communication in all aspects such as training and the academic update of the participants, which allows to take advantage of the great advantages in the utility such as online chat, create and propose ideas to improve working conditions

Middenmarkt (51-1000 medewerkers)
10 mei 2019
Algemene beoordeling:
Valerie Stephanía G. avatar
Valerie Stephanía G.
Adviseur De Asuntos Internacionales
"Maximale veiligheid en comfort bij het gebruik van videogesprekken en videoconferenties."
Wat vind je het leukst aan Adobe Connect?

A fabulous software that was designed exclusively to provide communicative solutions to large companies. Adobe Connect is a trusted software that gives you the option to make video calls, videoconferences, forums and webinars online, these options are ideal for meeting my work objectives because our team and our managers communicate permanently with this software. Among the most outstanding options offered by this software we have the role of administration of the videoconference room or video calls, this is very important because I can add a security password to enter the people I want, I can put the public or private room, I can mute people and add information to the chat. I can also record the sessions I do, this I use a lot to record our business meetings, Finally, and one of the aspects that I enjoy this software is that while we are in full online meeting, I can share information, statistics of participation, commentary on the chat, images and other things more.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Adobe Connect?

This software is impeccable, the more I use it, the more I discover its full potential and how its features make my working life much easier and adapted to the demands of my bosses. A software that I have used to plenitude concluding that it does not have defects that I should mention here, I congratulate to the team of Adobe.

Welke problemen lost Adobe Connect op en wat levert dat voor u op?

The contributions that Adobe Connect has added to my work are amazing and very positive; the improved communication between my work team and our bosses has allowed my work to be done faster and adjusted to the demands of our bosses. This software has been a very important resource for me and my growth as a worker.

Kleine bedrijven (50 of minder medewerkers)
06 mei 2019
Algemene beoordeling:
Amela V. avatar
Amela V.
Gecertificeerde Personal Trainer
"Gebruik dit om in contact te komen met grote groepen over discussies en het plannen van evenementen"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Adobe Connect?

Fantastic for multi tasking. I use this to connect with my trainers around the country to see them face to face, get them on call AND message them powerpoints and information. It’s amazing and is soooo universal! I’m obsessed.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Adobe Connect?

The only thing I dislike is that when you have to get on call, sometimes it takes awhile to connect and for some people, minutes are added up dollars on their phone bill so I feel about that. However, people do not have to be on call, they can just use their camera on their mobile device or computer so problems can easily be solved!

Welke problemen lost Adobe Connect op en wat levert dat voor u op?

I’m solving problems with money and cell phone minutes by using this instead. It also decreases my work time but increases my productivity because so many things can be discussed and completed at once! Super convenient for everyone to use!

Onderneming (> 1000 werknemers)
Algemene beoordeling:
Amith D.
Hoofd Inkoop.
"Geweldige oplossing voor conferenties en webinars."
Wat vind je het leukst aan Adobe Connect?

I love the ability to invite other users to join meetings by sharing url links with them,I love the host controls and of course the virtual rooms.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Adobe Connect?

I think Adobe Connects support team can be faster with their responses and perhaps a bit more accurate. There have been occasions when I have contacted the support team and it appears like they didn’t have enough knowledge of the product.

Welke problemen lost Adobe Connect op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Adobe Connect is used for video conferences and webinars within my organization.

Middenmarkt (51-1000 medewerkers)
Algemene beoordeling:
Neyda C.-avatar
Neyda C.
Postproductie senior
"Software die ik dagelijks op het werk gebruik."
Wat vind je het leukst aan Adobe Connect?

The software produced by Adobe is the most widely used worldwide. These softwares were designed for the complex labor demands of today, and among these softwares I must mention that one of the ones that I use more in my work is Adobe Connect, a powerful software that allows me to make video calls and videoconferences from the comfort of my computer or cell phone. Among the positive aspects that I can mention of this software we have the option of administrator, which makes that the video calls and videoconferences that I make in my work, have good levels of security, and this is very necessary for me since in these videoconferences we talk about aspects and internal policies of our company, we also establish the work planning with all our personnel. This software also has an excellent clarity in the image and audio of videoconferences and video calls, making not miss any detail of them. Finally, this software adapts very well to my requirements because it gives me security, ease of work and an excellent interface, which makes it very easy to use.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Adobe Connect?

Each one of the features of this software I have used to its full extent, feeling quite comfortable with what Adobe Connect offers me and its system for managing video calls and videoconferences. A software that has no flaws for me

Welke problemen lost Adobe Connect op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Thanks to the use of this software in my work dynamics, I have been able to notice how my skills as a worker have improved, taking as a fundamental aspect the improvement of communication with our co-workers through the use of video calls and videoconferences from Adobe Connect. A software that has contributed to my work development.

Onderneming (> 1000 werknemers)
Algemene beoordeling:
Rebecca G.
Uitvoerend Coördinator
"Verbinden voor training"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Adobe Connect?

On both presenter and participant end being able to provide learning material to a 'classroom' or session is easy and helpful when you need to go back and see what you provided at a later date. Everyone being able to contribute if setting allow really help with communication and team building.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Adobe Connect?

Downside is that everyone needs to download the program before hand to use and it doesn't work all the time on the fly, and needs strong data signal to not freeze up on mobile devices.

Welke problemen lost Adobe Connect op en wat levert dat voor u op?

Group meetings and classes are spread out across the state or country, having something that connects everyone on multiple device platforms with as many features as Adobe connect has is wonderful!

Middenmarkt (51-1000 medewerkers)
Algemene beoordeling:
Nick H.
"Kan eenvoudig verbinding maken om vergaderingen te houden en al het nodige te delen"
Wat vind je het leukst aan Adobe Connect?

Adobe Connect is very simple to use and easy that it makes our company can easily connect to hold meetings and to share all the necessary information on the screen with whoever it is.

Wat vind je niet leuk aan Adobe Connect?

I do not get anything that I dislike about Adobe Connect, maybe some problems to share the screen sometimes, but it is probably due to the speed of the internet, Adobe Connect its great

Welke problemen lost Adobe Connect op en wat levert dat voor u op?

We have several offices that are divided and communication with the corporate staff is necessary, and going to another office for meetings is not very productive. Thanks to Adobe Connect we have been able to solve this problem and communicate without any problem, it saves us a lot of time thanks to the fact that we can see the screens of others and work together in an easy way

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